

  1. The office of Education Department, Chandigarh Administration is inviting online objections (if any) pertaining to the Answer Key of Written Examination dated 28th April 2024 conducted for the post of :

    • JUNIOR BASIC TEACHERS (JBT)  Advertisement No. 06/2023

  2. The last date for filling the online objections will be 02.05.2024 upto 2:00 PM . The online objections sent, for this purpose, should be duly supported with the necessary documentary proof.

  3. After the successful submission of online objection(s), an Acknowledgement Number will be displayed on the screen. The candidates are advised to save this for future reference.
  4. No request for filing objection regarding provisional answer key beyond the last date as stipulated in para (b) or sent via any other mode will be entertained.

  5. Any objection raised by the candidate will be put forth to the duly constituted expert committee of the Examination Conducting Authority for its consideration. The decision of the expert committee shall be binding to all the stakeholders and no further objection shall be entertained at any level.
Note: Seeking objections as above is only for provisional Answer Key. Such objection will not be entertained after the publication of Final Answer Key.

Date/Time for receiving objections is over or yet to start

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